
Nov 24, 2010

Chance & Effort

Today I got news from my fiance, after months of trying and waiting at last she got what she's been looking for all this times. A chance to start a new and more stable life come to reality. I'm truly happy for her. I know how happy can one be to succeed after trying so hard. Now the new phase of her journey will start. And I wish her all the best, cause from now on there is one thing for sure, things might be much more harder than before.

For me, I'm still looking for my chance. The hard part with it is not knowing when the chance will actually come. Chance is not something that come to your front door and knocking, in fact chance can be anywhere at anytime. I know I need to start moving now, start looking for the chance. But at the moment I got a responsibility to do before I can start my journey on reaching my dream. Only after that I can start looking for the chance, start creating my chance. As for now, I will try to gain a lot more knowledge, gather as much information as I can, and prepare myself for when the chance arrive. So when the chance come, I will be ready to face the challenge and grab the opportunity.

'I will study and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come.' by Abraham Lincoln.

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