
Jan 19, 2011

Life & Planning

Life and planning. What relation does this two have? What is the importance of planning in life?

Usually we heard about how planning is important to create a successful business. We also heard about the importance of study plan. In fact in most if not everything in life, planning is the important part of it. So why is planning playing such an important role in not just business or study, but also in our life? Here are some of the reason I can think of, which most of it is more like a general knowledge.

  1. You will have a much clearer vision and goal with a careful planning. With a clear vision and goal, you will know where you want or how you wish things will end for you. In this case, how life will be when you are in your 40s,50s or 60s. 
  2. You know what kind of path you should take in order to pursuit your goal. Many times in life, there are more than one options you can choose for a certain decision. Most of the options available is different from each other. So with a good planning and clearer vision & goal, you can choose which option is most suitable with your planning and goal.
  3. You know whether you are in the right path or not. When you have planning, it wouldn't take long for you to know that you are in the wrong path. So you manage to get back on track before it's to late. Often in life, when you don't have any planning, you only realize you are making a wrong decision long after things had happen. Sometimes it was to late to even fix the mistake.
  4. You know how far you have made progress. So you know you are to slow or fast on reaching to a certain point. Or if it related to money, whether you are at the amount you are targeting for certain time or not.
  5. With a careful planning, it is most likely you will achieve your goal. Of course you will need a lot of effort to.

Planning is very important in life. Having a plan will certainly help us to have a much better life. Even though making mistake is part of human life, with a careful planning the possibilities of making unnecessary mistakes will be a lot lower.

"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now." by Alan Lakein

Jan 13, 2011

Learn The Hard Way!

Is failure good? Or is it really that bad?

As starting failure is not entirely bad or good. Failing is bad when you fail but you refuse to learn from the failures. It is not good either because who like to fail right? But we live in real world, not a fairy tale. So the fact is fail and life is pretty much attach to each other. You are not living your life if you never felt a taste of failing.

So whoever have a dream, the feeling worried about the failure is something that like it or not will occur in your mind. But keep it in mind, everyone must have fail in something in their life. You are just another human being bound to make mistake in life. So instead of worried to much, why not just go pursuit your dream while in the same time note every mistake you do and read it from time to time. Chance is you won't ever repeat it right! People forget. So write it!

But one thing is special about failures. Yeah I call it special. When you fail, the feeling of frustrated or the life you need to go through after a fail must be rough and tough. Why human tend to fail a lot in exam, we tend to forget what other teach or tell us. But something that we experienced, we go through in our life usually stuck in our mind for a very long time.

So this is the step, that actually pretty much simple but again, people forget(count me in)!

  1.    Have a dream, think of your wildest dream!
  • If you like to eat steaks, instead of dreaming to have so much money so you can eat it everyday, why not dream of having your own steak franchise. You can eat what you like while making money. Since you really like steaks, chance is you know many kind of steak right? Success chance is up! (Might sound like a funny idea, but I'm hungry at the time I write
  2.    Make a plan, set a goal.
  • When you have a dream that you want to achieve, be sure to have a plan. Write it, put it where you can see it everyday. See where you at from time to time. Never to fast nor to slow, try to keep in pace.
  3.    Oh my god, plan failed!
  • Try to sit a little bit and think of what might be the reason for the failures. Write it and remember the feeling you get when you fail, so you won't want to repeat it.
  4.    Get up and try again!
  • Don't give up yet. Keep on trying. If you learn from failures, and always want to improve, success is something that will surely come by. Believe in yourself.

In everything we do, ultimately in depends on the effort and patience. We might not remember while we still a baby trying to learn how to stand up, we keep trying even though we cry every time we fall. Some might learn it a bit faster than others, but eventually we all learn it right.

"It's always helpful to learn from your mistakes because then your mistakes seem worthwhile ." by Garry Marshall

Jan 1, 2011


Today's date is 1.1.11.What a nice number.Hehe..

Well for me 2011 didn't start really well. Around 11 p.m till 12 a.m, my apartment getting blackout around 6 times. The snow height already reaching my waist. It's the first time the snow had gone this high in my 4 years life in Japan. It's pretty amazing actually. Here is the picture of snow on 31st December 2010 and 1st January 2011.

31st December 2010

1st January 2011
Sorry for the low quality. I'm using iPhone 3g for the picture.

Anyway we already at the beginning of 2011. So the question that frequently ask during this time is 'What's your new year's resolution?'. To be honest, I hardly have any new year resolution in my life so far. But this year was quite different. 2010 had been quite an inspirational year to me (a bit frustrating to sometimes). Yeah having said that, I learn things about life in 2010. I learn how important dream, goal and vision to my life. Before I pretty much just live my life with what ever been decided. But now I have my own dream. It may seem impossible, but with the support I have around me, I know it's possible.

2010 had been year where I plan my career path toward my visions and dreams. I try to add my knowledge in as many field I can. I set up my plan on what to do after I finish my study (about 2 month left before I grad). Still it's just a plan which in reality, things doesn't always go the way we plan right. But with plan, I will have the idea of what to do, even if I fall I know where I'm heading to achieve my dream. So I just need to think of another way.

So to me 2011 is a big year for me. This year is the year I carry out my visions and dreams. Life is going to be rough after this. Hopefully I can still stand up after falling countless of times. Because in life, when everything doesn't seems right, there must be 1 or 2 thing that when you look at it you know chance is still there.

So let's hope 2011 will be a glorious and happening year for everyone. It will still be a painful year to.

'One should never scare to dream, because that's how all the successful story begin..With a dream.' - Well must be from somewhere.

Dec 23, 2010

Tower of Dreamers

Well it almost the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011. Hopefully we can start new year with new spirit and hope.

Yesterday, after coming back from my lab, I don't have much plan for the night. After scrolling through IMDb searching for a movie to watch, I came through a comedy movie 'Dinner for Schmucks'. Well personally I feel the movie was ok. Not that hilarious or bad. But there is one part in the movie, where it's very inspirational to me(I bet for everyone who watch it). In this movie Steve Carrel acting as a bit of stupid and crazy character Barry. But to me, he is not that stupid or crazy. He got a pretty amazing talent. He is a very positive minded guy.

The word he said, add up with his nice talent made it sound really amazing. Sometimes dream are not meant to be reality. But as long as you keep holding to your dream, and try to find way to achieve it, you will always have the chance.So let's keep on trying!

Dec 9, 2010

Priceless talk.

Q : One can talk the talk,but can he walk the walk?

Yesterday while reading a book, this question came to my mind. I was thinking about myself actually. Frankly speaking, this couple of months, I've been reading a couple of books and a lot of articles through internet. Mostly about entrepreneurs, business and of course some sports articles to. The reason why I've been reading a lot is because, I'm preparing myself for when the times comes for me to start. But frankly speaking, the other reason is I'm not sure when, what and how to start. Then I call my fiancee, knowing she is the one who know me better, to ask her about myself. Here is our conversation.

Me  :  What do you think about me? Am I just a big talker without any result?
She :  You're not a big talker, you just like to lie. I mean you said you give up many times,
          but you working hard, a lot harder than I think. It's like you never give up anything..
Me  :  So what do you mean by that? " .
She :  You talk to much, but actually make the effort. So I know you can success on
          whatever you're doing.

This word had help me to get back my confident. I'm not trying to bragging or anything, what I'm trying to show here is, whenever I'm feeling down or about to lose my confidence, I had her by my side to remind me of my strength. The one to tell and remind me to keep believing in myself. Believing ourselves is a key point toward success. We need it in almost anything in our life. So whenever you feeling down, try looking for someone who care, who know you better. With a simple line of answer, it can change your life far much better than you can imagine. People say that talk is cheap, but at this time the talk is priceless.

Dec 7, 2010

Where am I in 5,10,15,20 years..

Where am I in 5,10 years? What am I doing at that time? Am I the same as now or different?

Some people might leave it to when that times arrive. But for most successful people they didn't just do a 'wait n see'. They put their vision clear, set their target and work toward their target. That is what actually differentiate a successful person and an average person. But when comparing of those two person, in short period time the one who just do a 'wait n see' might be having a much better life. While in the other hand, the one with vision might be having a hard time working. But isn't it the way it is? To get a much better result, one must endure all the pain first. No pain no gain, right? When we see all the successful people now, we just think they are so lucky. They can get whatever they want. But think of it again, what we see is the result. Before they achieved it, we never now what they had to face. What kind of pain they endure. No success can be achieved easily.

As for me, 2010 had been a big year for me, one of the reason why I felt this way is because starting 2010 I'm no longer a guy who living his life following whatever that seem already decided for him. I had my vision. Not a cloudy one, not one that I doubt. It is a vision with confident. A vision that seems impossible, but as my life motto, I'm aiming to reach success beyond boundaries. I want to make the impossible to be possible.

So try set your vision, set a target and work toward achieving it. Maybe now you see it as impossible and doesn't make sense. But when times come, you will see that the impossible is actually possible and make sense. Me myself, I'm planning on making my own ending to my life. I'm choosing the hard work way. Because in my 20 years of life, I realize the only thing I have is my hard work. And I will use it to the fullest.

'At times you need to work hard and push for your luck. It's not going to be given to you in life and sometimes you need to make your own if it's not happening for you.' by Chelsea's skipper John Terry.

Nov 24, 2010

Chance & Effort

Today I got news from my fiance, after months of trying and waiting at last she got what she's been looking for all this times. A chance to start a new and more stable life come to reality. I'm truly happy for her. I know how happy can one be to succeed after trying so hard. Now the new phase of her journey will start. And I wish her all the best, cause from now on there is one thing for sure, things might be much more harder than before.

For me, I'm still looking for my chance. The hard part with it is not knowing when the chance will actually come. Chance is not something that come to your front door and knocking, in fact chance can be anywhere at anytime. I know I need to start moving now, start looking for the chance. But at the moment I got a responsibility to do before I can start my journey on reaching my dream. Only after that I can start looking for the chance, start creating my chance. As for now, I will try to gain a lot more knowledge, gather as much information as I can, and prepare myself for when the chance arrive. So when the chance come, I will be ready to face the challenge and grab the opportunity.

'I will study and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come.' by Abraham Lincoln.